People are the network! app communicates with surrounding smartphones without using mobile networks or wi-fi networks, we managed to create a new virtual network that uses only users phones.

How does it work?

The only thing you have to do is to install the app from the web ( or from another user that has the app (he can share the app to you in order to download using the hotspot function)

Our app works only on Android phones.

No more monthly pays for mobile operators. Try it for yourself.

Our app only uses the local wi-fi chip that you bought with the phone. In densely populated areas with enough people using the app it will create communication networks similar to the mobile networks, we provide basic functions for messaging and basic social media channels.

Share the app with your friends with no Internet

Easy share the app with you friends by using the built in “Share app” button located in the setting section of the app, using this function you can create a temporary hotspot for you friends where they can connect and get the app, this feature involves no internet data traffic.

Better understand how works

With each user has the app install and functioning the area where a message or image can arrive gets wider. Once people travel with their app open and the app finds mobile devices with the app installed it transports people messages and images.

Understand the limitations

Since the app uses no mobile network and no wi-fi network that are limitation in terms of speed and volume of information that it can send. We are working to improve this and with each new app upgrade we strive to enhance the capabilities of, we are also trying to limit the battery use that is a bit higher than in other applications.

How to make money from

Money can be made by selling 6 months or 12 months subscriptions. You have the option to buy credits and then resell them, you only need a credit card and Internet connection for this.

  • Register as an official partner in you region

    Once the “Become an partner” becomes available in your region you can start the process of registering as a partner, you need to have a valid credit card and an internet connection.

  • Buy subscription credits for minimum $50

    The credits come with unlocking codes option that can be inserted in the app, each code it is specially created for the unique mobile device of the customer.

  • Receive 20-35% discounts depending on the volume of credits you buy

    We recommend that you sell the unlocking codes with the prices presented on the website and make your money from the discount you received from us.

Install the app and start using it today

It takes less than 30 seconds to start using the app. You can use it for free for 1 year. You have to enter your phone number (you must have a valid phone number) and accept the terms and you can start using the app.

Life is changing with, thousands of people with low income have all year connectivity.

Many people in countries with low income have long periods with no internet connection and no means to communicate. subscription is yearly based so that they don’t remain with days of no messaging options.

Start for free for 12 months

As a launch option you can start for free the 12 months option and pay only after that. You do not need a credit card, just download and install.



Users who download the app until November 1st 2024 can use the app for free for 12 months.

  • Free messages inside the app -max 200/day
  • Free images inside the app -max 30/day
  • Option to free share the app with friends
  • Option for included social media channel starting November 1st 2024
Get started for free

6 months subscription


Available after minimum 1 month of starter option

  • Free messages inside the app -max 250/day
  • Free images inside the app -max 50/day
  • Option to free share the app with friends
  • Option for included social media channel starting November 1st 2024
  • Special encryption option

12 months subscription


Available after minimum 1 month of starter option

  • Free messages inside the app -max 250/day
  • Free images inside the app -max 50/day
  • Option to free share the app with friends
  • Option for included social media channel starting November 1st 2024
  • Special encryption option

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How long does it take for a message to arrive?

      If the user is within 200 meters of you it usually takes around 30 second to arrive, this is also valid for images. If the user is located at a distance greater than 200 meters and there are people using the app at each 200 meters, the time can be calculated by dividing the distance at 200m and multiplying the result with 30 seconds.

    • All messages that I send will arrive at the recipient?

      Not all messages that you send will arrive, first of all the receiver must have the app installed and the transport process must be done within 24 hours, if not old messages will be deleted.

    • How do I know if a message was received?

      For the moment you cannot see a visual indicator if the message arrived at the destination but we are working on a future feature for this.